Newsletter Archives
Contact us or 724-972-2946 or 724-925-1667
Summer, 2024:President’s Message, June Program How Foresters Can Help, May Program Woodland Birds, April Program Herpetology, Go Nuts for Acorns! Part Two
Winter 2024: President’s Message and Annual Report 2023, September Program on CPF Landowner Survey,October Program on Restoring the American Chestnut Tree, Walk in Penn’s Woods at St. Xavier, Go Nuts for Acorns!
Summer, 2023: President’s Message, Calendar of Events, In Memoriam Tom Fitzgerald, Ramps Field Trip
Summer, 2022:President's Message and A View Out his Window, Westmoreland Cleanways speaks to WWIA, Im Memoriam: Dr. William Courtney, Penguin Court and Forbes Field Tour, Species Spotlight.
Winter, 2022: President's Message, Annual Report, Ten Great Nature Books to Warm Your Soul, Foraging for Invasive Plants: Yum!. and more.
Summer, 2021: President’s Message, Lanternfly Recap,Gypsy Moths, Mother Tree, Showcase a Resource,and Species Spotlight.
Spring, 2021: 2021 memberships, Earth Day program Apr. 22, The New Bad Bug, Species Spotlight, and more!
Winter 2021 President’s Report,Forest Healing, Book Reviews., Showcase a Resource,Species Spotlight
Summer, 2020: Quarantine Adventures, President's Message, Timber Sale Considerations, and more!
Spring, 2020 The View from My Kitchen Window, Field trips, Experiencing the Pandemic in the Woods, more!
Winter, 2020: Easements & Rights of Way in Our Forests, Livengood Brothers Count Raptors on Chestnut Ridge, Species Spotlight: Eastern Hemlock, Westmoreland Conservation District
Winter, 2019: 30th Anniversary, Golden Eagles in Forbes State Forest, Ames Wood Mill and Handle-Making Plant
Fall, 2019: Forbes State Forest Field Trip, Leslie Horner's Woodland Regeneration Workshop, Tulip Poplar
Spring, 2019: WWIA History, Penguin Court, Serviceberry
Fall, 2018: Tom Fitzgerald's Lifetime Achievement Award, Walk in Penn’s Woods, President’s Report, Species Spotlight: Blackgum
Summer, 2018: White Oak Woes, Helping Forests Regenerate, Witch Hazel
Spring, 2018: Personal Timberdoodle Encounters, Urban Forester: Best Job Ever,
Winter, 2018: Tax Cuts and Jobs Act, Tax Tips for Forest Landowners
Fall, 2017: Hemlocks Under Attack, High Horizons, Service Forester
Spring, 2017: Planting Guidance for Native Grasses & Herbaceous Plants, History of Penn’s Woods