Westmoreland Woodlands Improvement Association
2024 Events
Sunday October 6, 2024 – from 1:00 to 3:00 pm. A 2024 “WALK IN PENN’S WOODS” EVENT
St. Xavier Nature Preserve – US Rt. 30 East Across from the Wimmerton Housing Development Driveway. This
248 acre property is owned and managed by the Westmoreland Land trust.
This statewide event is a partnership, led by the Pennsylvania Forestry Association – to include the James C. Finley Center for
Private Forest, Penn State Forestry and Wildlife Extension, Pennsylvania Department of Conservation and Natural Resources, Pennsylvania Forest Stewards, the Pennsylvania Chapter of the Association of Consulting Foresters, the Pennsylvania Sustainable Forestry Initiative, the Pennsylvania Parks and Forest Foundation, and Keep Pennsylvania Beautiful. All of these partners invite you to participate in a walk near you!
Thursday October 17th, 6:00 p.m.: Annual Meeting / Pot Luck Dinner / Short Business Meeting
Registration & Social half hour will commence at 5:30. Dinner at 6:00 p.m.
7:00 p.m. - A Program presentation by: Melissa Kreye, Ph. D. of Penn State. An assistant professor and director of the Forest Owner Carbon and Climate Education (FOCCE) program. She’ll discuss her research on the social and economic values of private forests. (‘Social & Economic Vales Associated with Private Forests, Including Wildlife, Carbon Sequestration, and Water Resources”)
Members and guests are encouraged to attend. Members in good standing are admitted without charge. Dues and dues updates for an individual or family membership are $10.00. Non member dinner visitor fee is $10.00 Non-member fee for Meeting and Program Attendance is $5.00. Students with a valid I.D. will be admitted to the program portion without charge.
One or more door prizes will be offered with a FREE ticket per attendee. There may also be one or more RAFFLE ITEMS of a woodworking nature a on a sliding monetary scale. Registration is required (for dinner count). Please call 724-837- 5271 “option # 2” to sign up, BY: Monday
Wednesday Evening April 17th, 2024 Arron Capoullez, a graduate student in Herpetology at IUP will present a program on woodland frogs and other amphibians of the woodlands and forests. A program sponsored by WWIA at The J. Roy Huston Conservation Center, The Barn at 218 Donohoe Road. The evenings event will begin at 6:30 with registration and a social half hour. The program will commence at 7:00 PM.
Thursday Evening May 16th, 2024 Scott Stoleson, PhD Research Wildlife Biologist - USDA Forest Service, Northern Research Station: “Birds in Forests”, a presentation on birds in woodlands and the impact of forest management. A program sponsored by WWIA at The J. Roy Huston Conservation Center; The Barn ar 218 Donohoe Road. The evenings event will begin at 6:30 with registration and a social half-hour. The program will commence at 7:00 PM.
Thursday Evening October 17th, 2024, The WWIA Annual Meeting & Pot-Luck Dinner with a short business meeting after dinner. Registration begins at 5:30 with social half hour. Dinner starts at 6:00 PM with short business meeting. The program begins at 7:00 PM. Our speaker will be Melissa Kreye, Ph.D., Director – Forest Owner Carbon and Climate Education (FOCCE), Assistant Professor, Department of Ecosystem Science and Management, Penn State University. Program topic title is YTBD.
Partner event:
September 13, 2024; 8:30 am to 3:30 pm; Ohiopyle State Park Southwest Regional Forestry Tour
The IUP Research Institute is partnering with the PA Game Commission and PA DCNR Bureau of State Parks to host three sustainable forestry field tours for private landowners in 2024 (download flyer).Registration instructions are included in the flyer--the event is FREE!
Contact us
quadroanthony@gmail.com or 724-972-2946
jandd.hilewick@gamail.com or 724-925-1667